
Butterfly Girl (2023)
Publisher: EK Books
By Ashling Kwok & Arielle Li
IBSN 9781922539564
Butterfly Girl is a charming and sensitively illustrated book about friendship and making space for animals, even in an urban environment. Olivia, who loves butterflies, has to leave her home in the countryside and move into a city apartment. Feeling lonely without her fluttering friends, she realises she needs to transform her bare balcony if she wants her friends to visit — and that turns out to be a great way to meet her new neighbours!

Anchored (2023)
Publisher: EK Books
By Debra Tidball & Arielle Li
IBSN 9781922539496
In this sensitive tale, Tug and Ship are connected by bonds of love despite being oceans apart. Anchored honors the intrinsic value and worth of a child, the parent–child bond, attachment and the sustaining power of love. It’s an empowering story that will give children a sense of pride and strength to get through the ‘missing you’ days.

Get Ready, Mama! (2022)
Publisher: EK Books
By Sharon Giltrow & Arielle Li
IBSN 9781922539083
Getting Mama ready for the day can be a challenge… you’d better watch out that she doesn’t sneak back into bed, try to distract you with cuddles, get breakfast all over her top, or… wait, is Mama watching TV?! Learn how to get Mama up and ready despite her mischievous delaying tactics with this essential guide to dealing with morning mayhem!
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